Friday, September 12, 2008


Most people think it's harmless to take pictures. That's if you don't take them in front of a Bobcat Head with SMOKE coming out (Thank you Scott Boyd a.k.a Smoke Man). I can't wait to see the proofs of our players COUGHING!

My family and I showed up to picture night with the amusement of figuring out who was who after they added the make up and left their hair down. This year we even had a player, Alyssa McGuinnis show her Bobcat Pride with blue and gold hair. Now we just need the blue and gold mouthguards!

Like always, this night did not lack entertainment. It began with my son and assistant coach's daughter showing a little too much PDA. Although my son is only four and Camryn is one I still think she was making the first move with her long gripping hugs. I've got my eye on you Camryn. Ha!

Then we went on to watching our players try and be serious for the poster. Beginning with Mara's "Zoolander" cheeks to Anne's confused grin, hopefully we will look tougher on the court.

I look forward to seeing the proofs and counting all the blinks at the inopportune time. I just hope our lungs weren't hindered as we have a big day of conditioning in store tomorrow.

Coach Bin

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