Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Yesterday I was watching our players squat as our strength coaches spotted them. That's when Erica Perry suddenly failed her last rep and Andrea (strength coach: alias the "machine") threw Erica's elbows under the bar to catch the weights.

Andrea did not allow Erica to drop the 200 + weights as if she did, Andrea could have two severed biceps. The reason I know this is that Andrea told us of a strength coach that wasn't paying close enough attention and an athlete dropped the weights right through their arms.

No easy task is it! After that story I decided it best to let our strength coaches continue the spotting and our players ultimately thank them for every extra rep they achieve with the sense of security that someone is supporting them.

Today ask yourself what you have achieved and why. I guarantee there will be more to your answer than "me". Go thank those people today.

Go Cats!

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